Wyświetlono wiadomości wyszukane dla słów: Progres Services
Temat: AVG nie działa
Przepraszam,ale jestem trudnym przypadkiem.Weszłam na stronę AVG, tam wszystko
po angielsku. Proszę o wskazówki, gdzie szukać tych aktualizacji.
Przy próbie instalowania dodatków do AVG wyświetlaja się:
Local machine: installation failed
Error: Action failed for file avgemc.exe: starting service....
Service avg8emc failed to progress during startup at checpoint 0
(wait hint 2000 ms) in 86861 ms.
Error: Action failed for file avgcfg.log: restoring from backup....
Error 0x800700b7 %DESTINATION% =
"C:ProgramDataavg8Logavgcfg.log", %SOURCE% =
Error: Action failed for file avgwd.log: restoring from backup....
Error 0x800700b7 %DESTINATION% =
"C:ProgramDataavg8Logavgwd.log", %SOURCE% =
Temat: log
Dla jasności
avira wyrzuca taki komunikat:
"The CRC sum of
has been changed!This could be due to a virus!
Do you want to shut down setup?"
avg taki:
"local machine: installation failed
error: action for file avgemc.exe: starting service....
service avgems failed to progress during startup at checpoint 0 (wait hint 10000
ms) in 90570 ms."
Temat: Leader Service - agencja pracy
Ja też tak ostatnio czekałam, na stronie wciąż In Progress, nie zdejmowali mi
pieniędzy z karty - ale w końcu się doczekałam, najpierw pojawiła się blokada na
karcie, a potem przyszły staniki. Raz chyba zapomnieli zmienić statusu na
stronie, bo zamówienie dotarło dzień po tym, jak "In Progress" zamieniło się na
Zawsze możesz napisać do ich Customer Service, zwykle szybko odpisują i dosyć
Temat: Papież nie przyjął PO
Liberal Party
Cytuję z English Language Dictionary:
liberalism - the belief in gradual SOCIAL progress by reform and by changing
laws, rather than by revolution...
Jest to dokładna definicja ... socjaldemokracji.
Jak nie znacie angielskiego to przetłumaczę
- wiara w stopniowy postęp społeczny na drodze reform i zmianę prawa, a nie
przez rewolucję.
I jeszcze:
Liberal Party - is a political party which believes that the governement should
have some control of industry, provide welfare services, and...
Rząd powinien mieć częściową kontrolę nad przemysłem, zapewniać dobrobyt
socjalny, ...
Temat: mala msza uroczysta rossiniego
Msza nie jest do śmiechu
ilja napisała:
> w tej mszy najfajniejszy jest brak przewidywalnosci. nie tak, jak
w "normalnej"
> muzyce religijnej - kadencje plagalne, wielkie doskonale, wszystko osadzone
> jednej tonacji...
> np. czesc "domine deus" zachwycila mnie pelnym humoru wstepem fortepianu
> nietypowym przejsciom z trybu moll do dur i vice versa.
Najlepsze dla Mszy nie jest moll ani dur, ale skale modalne.
"Regarding modern music, the "Motu proprio" says: "The Church has always
recognized and honoured progress in the arts, admitting to the service of
religion everything good and beautiful discovered by genius in the course of
Temat: Kaczyński z wideobloga
Wideoblog Kaczyńskiego oblężony!
Chciałem zajrzeć i dostałem komunikat:
503 Service Unavailable
Virtual Server overloaded - high load (or servicing) in progress.
Moja interpretacja - nie spodziewali się że będzie takie
zainteresowanie i stąd problemy.
Interpretacja Jarosława Kaczyńskiego - Donald Tusk i skorumpowani
oligarchowie robią wszystko, żeby mój przełomowy przekaz nie dotarł
do polskiej młodzieży ogłupianej przez PO!
Temat: Serwis Porażka Roku sam jest porażką
Serwis Porażka Roku sam jest porażką
To się wzięli za krytykę, a sami sobie nie radzą. Ale PORAŻKA.
503 Service Unavailable
Virtual Server overloaded - high load (or servicing) in progress.
Temat: Aerofłot nabędzie 22 Airbusy A350
a wiesz, że skyguide miał by nową obsuwę.
On Thursday February 8, at 7.30 pm, there was a critical
incident between two aircraft in the region of Annecy, France, just south of Geneva.
The distance between the two aircraft fell below prescribed separation minima. Air
traffic control in this sector of French airspace is delegated to the Swiss air
services. A Hercules of the Algerian airforce was on an overflight towards Lyon
on flight
level 250 (7,620 metres above sea level) when a Tupolev of the State Air Company
Berkut Kazakhstan, which had taken off from Grenoble airport, received clearance to
climb to flight level 260 (7,924 metres above sea level). As a result, there was
a close
encounter between the two aircraft as the two flight paths crossed.
The causes of the incident are not yet known and an investigation by the Swiss
Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB) is in progress. In parallel, skyguide Safety
Management has initiated a detailed investigation.
Pursuant to international regulations, the AAIB is the sole point of information for
questions relating to the incident until the investigation has been concluded.
Temat: p_adam_michnik i hamerykanin_z_chicago pisze ....
Health Care System
Canada's health care system has been a work in progress since its inception.
Reforms have been made over the past four decades and will continue in response
to changes within medicine and throughout society. The basics, however, remain
the same - universal coverage for medically necessary health care services
provided on the basis of need, rather than the ability to pay.
NPA Code Search Information
Below are the search results for NPA: 846
General Information
Type of Code: General Purpose Code
Is this code assignable: Yes
If not, why:
or non-geographic(N): G
If non-geographic, usage:
Is this code reserved for future use: Yes
Is this code assigned: No
Is this code in use: N
In service date:
Planning Letter(s):
Geographic Code information
For a map of this NPA, please consult this planning letter:
Time Zone:
Is this an overlay code: No
Overlay Complex:
Jeopardy: No
Relief Planning in Progress: No
Dialing Plan for this NPA Standard Permissive
Home NPA Local Calls:
Foreign NPA Local Calls:
Home NPA Toll Calls:
Foreign NPA Toll Calls:
Temat: Linux - próba używania - długie
Kolejne kwiatki.
Na laptopie wskaźnik naładowania baterii ma tylko dwa stany, 100% oraz "Uwaga,
zaraz koniec baterii!" :) Dziwne, na początku działa, chyba.
Po włożeniu pendriva pokazuje się ikonka, bardzo fajnie. Obok ikonki jest
przycisk Eject. Dwukrotne kliknięcie w ten przycisk powoduje błąd w stylu
"Action already in progress".
Przy przeglądaniu sieci otoczenia sieciowego dwukrotne kliknięcie w jakiś
komputer z sambą powoduje pokazanie błędu w stylu "Service already mounted".
Temat: Przyszedłem się wyzłośliwić
Dostałeś link do A.T. Kearney i nie doczytałeś. Ułatwiam Ci więc życie:
"Progress on reform, EU accession and building on existing high levels of
investor confidence could help Poland move beyond lower-cost manufacturing
toward increasing amounts of FDI in high-skill service sector activities."
> Polska bez UE wciąż idzie do przodu (to nie dowcip).
Pewnie, że idzie. Pytanie jednak jakby szła, gdyby nie wymuszane prze Unię
różnorakie reformy. Weź także pod uwagę, że integracja z UE trwa od początku
lat 90-tych i pewnie jeszcze dobrych parę lat potrawa (okresy przejściowe).
Temat: NFI
jest głośno radzę uważac. cytuje portal:
""""Do góry szła również wartość akcji 2 NFI oraz 4 NFI
Progress, które kontrolowane są przez Equity Service Poland.
To ten ostatni podmiot sprzedał właśnie Karkosikowi 100 proc.
walorów Supernova Equity, kontrolującą NFI Kwiatkowski. Może
gracze mają nadzieję, że i te dwa NFI również ten sam
inwestor kupi? """"
pod rozwagę. victoria NFI 05. sugeruje zerknąć po asymilacji na lubęę
Temat: Unemployment grows in Portugal.
That's bloody typical...
The apartments in the towers overlooking Expo also sold fast while "normal"
people struggle and are always told:
- no, you cannot have a raise this year;
- basic services like electricity, water and gas HAVE TO be more expensive every
year just becase it's January again;
- same for public transport;
- read my lips - no more taxes ... ooops... more taxes after all;
- God knows how the Spanish make more money and spend less on basic stuff;
- there's progress because we have a lot of mobile phones...
etc. etc. etc.
I'm seriously considering voting anarchist next time and moving to the woods
Temat: Populiści Chavez i Morales burzą porozumienie U...
Inne źródła informacji
O boliwijskiej nacjonalizacji:
Chirac chwali Moralesa
El presidente francés Jacques Chirac felicitó a su par boliviano Evo Morales y
afirmó que le "devuelve el honor" a su pueblo al emprender la nacionalización de
los hidrocarburos del país andino, según destacó este sábado la oficial Agencia
Boliviana de Información (ABI).
Chavez jedzie do Londynu na zaproszenie władz miejskich
Ken Livingstone, burmistrz Londynu, oświadczył, że jest dumny z tego, że może
gościć przywódcę, symbol demokracji i postępu w Ameryce Łacińskiej:
'However it is not only for economic reasons that I am delighted to welcome
president Hugo Chávez of Venezuela to London next week. President Chávez is a
beacon of democracy and social progress in the Latin America. Since 1998 he has
won 10 elections in 8 years – an unprecedented record of electoral success in
any country. He has won this electoral popularity because, among other measures,
he has introduced the first effective health service into Venezuela, commenced
a huge literacy programme, and is paying for 250,000 people to have eye
operations to cure them of blindness - a record any politician would be proud of.
I am therefore proud to welcome President Hugo Chávez to London.'
Temat: student i praca
workservice, technoservice, leader service, adecco, progress
Temat: biuro pośrednictwa pracy
dostalam kiedys prace przez biuro Work Service (miesci sie na starowce za
restauracja Sfinks),jest tez biuro Progres na Partyzantow.Sprobuj:)
Temat: teczki....
k....co za dzien
503 Service Unavailable
Virtual Server overloaded - high load (or servicing) in progress.
Temat: "Spieprzaj dziadu" z sieci
503 Service Unavailable
"Virtual Server overloaded - high load (or servicing) in progress."
Temat: Brak połączenia z bazą forum II
Ja mam tak:
503 Service Unavailable
Virtual Server overloaded - high load (or servicing) in progress.
Ocena 0-
Zespoły, które grają z dyskietek i nie warte są pieniędzy (ok.2000zł/za noc):
Temat: Kuźmiuk kandydatem na prezydenta Radomia?
Przyjety i do powaznego rozwazenia!
Zbigniew Kuźmiuk, Urodził się 19 września 1956 roku w Komorowie (woj. mazowieckie).
Absolwent Wydziału Ekonomicznego Politechniki Świętokrzyskiej oraz Wydziału
Finansów i Statystyki Szkoły Głównej Planowania i Statystyki - doktor nauk
Od 1980 roku pracownik naukowy Politechniki Radomskiej, gdzie prowadzi wykłady z
zakresu finansów publicznych. Jest autorem wielu artykułów naukowych. Promotor
kilkuset prac magisterskich i dyplomowych.
W latach 1994-96 - Wojewoda radomski. W 1997 roku został ministrem - członkiem
Rady Ministrów, wiceprzewodniczącym Komitetu Rozwoju Regionalnego i Polityki
Rady Ministrów oraz prezesem Rządowego Centrum Studiów Strategicznych.
W 1998r. doradca ministra - prezesa Rządowego Centrum Studiów Strategicznych.
Od września 1998 roku radny województwa mazowieckiego, a od listopada 1998r. do
10.12.2001r. - marszałek Województwa Mazowieckiego.
Od września 2001r. - poseł na Sejm RP, przewodniczący Klubu Parlamentarnego PSL,
przewodniczący Komisji Samorządu Terytorialnego i Polityki Regionalnej Sejmu RP.
W 1986 roku został członkiem Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego.
Jego hobby to sport - siatkówka i piłka ręczna (w czasach studiów jeden z
najlepszych bramkarzy w drużynie Politechniki Świętokrzyskiej) oraz lektury -
głównie analizy i prasa o tematyce ekonomicznej.
Żonaty, ma troje dzieci ( dwóch synów i córka).
Doswiadczenie po angielsku:
2004 - in progress - Member of the European Parliament, Group of the European
People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats; Committee on
Budgets, Member; Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Substitute;
Delegation to the EU-Bulgaria Joint Parliamentary Committee, Member;
2004 - 2005 Vice-Chairman of the Main Executive Committee of the Polish People's
2002 - 2004 President of the Polish People's Party Parliamentary Committee;
2003 - Vice-Chairman of the Voivodship Executive Board of the Polish People's
Party in the Masovian Voivodship.
2001-2004 - Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, Chairman of the
1998-2001- Marshal of the Masovian Voivodship, Councillor to the Masovian Voivodship
1997- Minister, Member of the Ministry Council, Chairman of the State Centre for
Strategic Studies
1994 -1996 - Governor of Radom;
1990 -1994 - President of the Production Trading and Service Company Teks SA.
and Director of the Production Trading and Service Company Bakumar SA.
1979 - in progress - Radom University of Technology - lecturer in finance,
public finance and corporate finance;
Temat: JASIEK 233
Karkosik przejmuje kontrolę nad Kwiatkowskim
2006-09-26 07:49
Roman i Grażyna Karkosik zawarli z Equity Service Poland umowę ws. kupna 100
proc. udziałów Supernova Equity, kontrolującej NFI im. E. Kwiatkowskiego
– poinformował fundusz w komunikacie.
Państwo Karkosik kupują po 72.924 udziały Supernova Equity. Kapitał spółki
składa się 145.949 udziałów. Pozostałe 101 udziałów kupi Unibax. Łączna cena
wynosi 89,9 milionów złotych.
Przejmując Supernova Equity, Karkosikowie przejmują kontrolę nad pakietem akcji
stanowiącym 87,45 proc. udziału w kapitale zakładowym i 87,45 proc. ogólnej
liczby głosów NFI.
Supernova Capital informowała wcześniej o zamiarach inwestycyjnych dotyczących
zbycia dwóch z trzech narodowych funduszy inwestycyjnych. Poza Kwiatkowskim,
Equity Service Poland kontroluje 2 NFI i 4 NFI Progress. Zgodnie z komunkatem,
przed transakcją fundusz przeniósł część aktywów na Equity Service Poland.
» Zobacz pełny komunikat
W związku z transakcją, rada nadzorcza powołała do zarządu NFi Mieczysława
Halka, byłego szefa spółki Boryszew, flagowej inwestycji Karkosika.
Roman Karkosik jest największym inwestorem na GPW, kontrolującym pięć
giełdowych spółek. W portfelu inwestora znajduje się m.in. Boryszew,
Impexmetal, Hutmen, Alchemia i Skotan. Z tych spółek ma powstać grupa o
kapitalizacji bliskiej 5 mld zł.
W poniedziałek kurs Kwiatkowskiego wzrósł na sesji o 46,94 proc. do 7,20 zł,
przy niesamowitych jak na NFI obrotach, wynoszących prawie 5 mln zł (»
Zobacz notowania). Kwiatkowski poinformował o transakcji dopiero wieczorem.
Czyli superwzrost z superobrotami - czyżby coś w sam raz dla nowego
supernadzoru, którym wciąż nie ma kto pokierować?
Portal pb.pl
Temat: Kinga Dunin chwali wysokie podatki.
> Tam socjalu de facto w ogóle nie ma
Tak się zazwyczaj uważa, ponieważ ten ich socjal jest śmiesznie mały w
porównaniu z tym do czego nas przyzwyczaiła Europa. Ale jednak istnieje, co
ciekawsze - zwiększa się w związku ze starzeniem sie społeczeństwa. Cytuję
fragment z najnowszej ustawy budżetowej Singapuru:
1.5 Special Transfers
As part of the Progress Package, the Government gave out $1.4 billion in the
form of Growth
Dividends and $200 million for the 40th anniversary National Service (NS) bonus
to all
The Government also set aside $400 million in a trust fund for the Workfare
Bonus Scheme,
and transferred $480 million to top up the Central Provident Fund (CPF)
accounts of older
The Government also provided $50 million in Opportunity Funds, paid out $64
million in the
Utilities-Save (U-Save) Scheme, as well as $36 million in rebates for Service
Conservancy Charges (S&CC) and rental rebates.
A total of $400 million was transferred in the form of $100 million top-ups
into each of the
four endowment funds that have yet to reach their target sizes (Medifund,
ElderCare Fund,
Lifelong Learning Fund, and ComCare Fund).
On account of the high dividend payouts in the past two years, an additional
$80 million was
transferred to the Economic Restructuring Shares (ERS) Trust Fund to meet
future ERS
dividend payouts and administrative costs.
A tak przy okazji - Singapur ma niskie podatki osobiste, ale bardzo wysoki CIT,
duzo wyższy niz Polska (choc niedawno i tak obnizony). W najnowszym budżecie
planują też wzrost GST (odpowiednik naszego VAT o z 5 do 7%)
To pewna wskazówka w naszej dyskusji - nie liczy sie wyłącznie wysokość
podatków, lecz także ich rozkład, cała ta subtelna gra podatkowa która jednym
sie udaje a drugim nie. Skandynawom najwyraźniej się udaje utrzymywanie
gospodarki na wysokich obrotach mimo wysokich podatków - a np u nas liczono na
wiele po dużej obnizce CIT przed paroma laty, a efektów nie było, ani wzrostu
gosp. ani spadku bezrobocia...
Temat: d0minika
could you check my "opinion essay"? I would be really grateful.
Schools should provide computers for students to use for all their school
A computer is becoming an inevitable part of our progress. We use
computer to learn, work, for entertainment. There is no possibility to
survive in modern country without ability of computer service. That is the
reason why we must be able to cope with that convenient invention of XXth
century. Students need to have access to computers, which should be provided
by government for almost all lessons.
First of all, using computers makes learning more effective. For
instant, you don’t have to make tiring, time-consuming notes by hand – you
can use keyboard to note everything faster and more correct. Furthermore you
have more time to cooperate with teacher and to take an active part in
Secondly, that is a big comfort for students as well as for teachers to use
computers during explaining new, difficult lessons, especially such ones
which consist on different experiments. As we know well not all of
experiments can be carried out in schools, but they can be easily replaced by
computer simulations, which would make difficult topics clearer.
On the other hand we must remember that we live in Poland. Our
government doesn’t have money for such basic things like salaries for
teachers, so it’s obvious that it can’t afford on such luxuries equipment
like computers to each class for each lesson. We must be reasonable and
realize our restrictions.
To sum up I must write that computer is the very important part of
education process. Unfortunately we can’t afford on equipping all schools
with enough number of computers. However, we should do everything to improve
present state, to give students a chance for effective learning.
Temat: Specjalisci w US o zakupie samolotow przez Polske
Problemy Anglikow - europejskich "mocarstw".
March 5, 2002; The British are struggling to juggle their air strike capability
while changing to a new generation of strike aircraft. The three squadrons of
Jaguar GR3 strike aircraft are all scheduled to retire in mid-2008. The first
squadron of ground-attack Eurofighter Typhoons is due to be formed in 2008 and
will not be operational until mid-2009. Two more squadrons of Typhoons assigned
to the fighter-bomber role are scheduled to form in 2010 and be operational in
2011. This would leave the British with a gap in their strike capabilities in
the event of any crisis. The plan is to use the three Typhoon fighter squadrons
due to be formed in 2005, 2006, and 2007. These will consist of a mix of
Typhoon-Tranche-1 aircraft (which can carry only unguided iron bombs) and
Typhoon-Tranche-2 aircraft (which have an expanded air-to-ground capability).
Some Tranch-2 aircraft will (from 2006) have Enhanced Operations Capability 1
which includes the ability to carry a laser target designator and Britain's yet-
to-be-selected new precision-guided bomb. In 2008, Tranche-2 aircraft will
receive the Enhanced Operations Capability 2, and will be able to carry the
Storm Shadow long-range missile and the Brimstone anti-tank missile (a variant
of the US Hellfire). The Typhoon-Tranche-3 (yet to be designed) is to replace
the Tornado-GR4 and carry more enhanced weapons. Another option to cover the
gap (if Typhoon doesn't progress on schedule) is to keep the Jaguars flying a
few years longer. Sixty of these are now receiving new Mk-106 engines at a cost
of $149 million. The last of these will be completed in 2005, and all of these
aircraft could be kept in service a few years longer.
Temat: Relocation
All of you here have relocated –for good, or for an extended period of time-
from one country to another, one culture/mentality/language to a different
one. Some of you have done so not for the first time in your lives.
How do you find the change? What toll does it take on different aspects of
your lives?
I, too, have lived in various places: from Poland (23yrs) and Greece (2yrs),
to Vancouver, BC (14yrs) and –lately- Montreal, QC (4 yrs).
Have to admit that my latest move has pretty much turned into nearly a disaster.
The general quality of life in Montreal proved to be a very looong way down
from that of Vancouver.
My stabs at local French render me pretty helpless and excluded- Montrealers
are pretty welcoming and tolerant towards holiday visitors, their attitude
changes dramatically though when the newcomer is an Anglo-Canadian with his
French a “work in progress” who’s trying to settle here permanently.
An American week-end visitor marveling at the fun-sides of Montreal will be
made feel more than welcome here, an Anglo-Canadian though, appalled by the
quality of life, of the roads, the filthy streets, the lack of respect for the
most basic rules of traffic and for one another, the incompetence of local
services (the police notably included) will be advised more than often to “go
back” wherever, that “Shakespeare (!) is not welcome here” (meaning English… ,
and “va chier avec ton Anglais” etc.
(When you try communicating in your broken French, however, the locals will
instantaneously switch to English, thus creating catch 22…
Yes, I know… some cheese would do nicely, thank you
How about you?
Temat: Tureckie modernizacje...
michalgajzler napisał:
> Narazie, przynajmniej wg.
> Haaretza:
> "The political changes in Turkey and the rise to power of the Islamic party
> s
> not caused any changes in the relations between the Israel and Turkish defense
> establishments, sources stressed after last week's discussions." Miejmy
> nadzoieję, że tak zostanie.
Jednak z Izraelczykami jest chyba ostatnimi czasy trochę tak, że chciwość
potrafi im odebrać rozum (chociażby zbrojenie Chin).
> Ja nie, ale A.L. rzucił tekstem w innym wątku. Northrop chyba traktuje sprawę
> serio - przynajmniej takie wrażenie odnoszę po lekturze info ze strony
> .
Na ex-"Gorszkowa" te Hawkeye będą w sam raz...
> Skoro już zeszło na Hindusów - Kaveri ma osiągnąć gotowość operacyjną w 2009
> roku (może w końcu im się uda, ja im przynajmniej dobrze życze;), próby LCA
> chyba też nabrały tempa, a przynajmniej coraz częściej pojawiają się kolejne
> informacje.
Może to być też klasyczna propaganda sukcesu.
> Z innej beczki:
> "Russia will start the deliveries of 16 MiG-29K carrier-based fighters to the
> Indian Navy in 2007 for the deployment on "Admiral Gorshkov" aircraft carrier
> undergoing refit.(...)
> Russia is to complete the deliveries of carrier based MiG-29K jets in 2009
> the induction of Admiral Gorshkov carrier by the Indian navy, most probably as
> INS Vikramaditya."
> No i ciekawy fragment o problemach z cżęściami zamiennymi (z dedykacją dla
> zwolenników zakupów w Rosji;):
> "Fedorov said that although there has been progress in the supply of MiG
> s
> to India the issue would be finally resolved 'maximum' in two years.
> "This is a very complex and difficult issue, due to a large nomenclature of
> spares and different models of MiG aircraft in service in India, including
> MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-27, MiG-29 and so on. However, the main problem is
> internal laws, which make the supply of military spares to foreign countries
> very difficult, it would take an year, maximum two years to resolve this
> problem," Fedorov said."
No, faktycznie - robić takie problemy taaakiemu klientowi...
> Sprawa Leopardów ostatnio ucichła... Do "powietrznych" zakupów należy dodać
> jeszcze ewentualnie śmigłowce szturmowe.
Ładnych kilka miliardów. A stanie też sprawa sukcesji C-130B/E i Transalli,
tudzież T-38 i T-33.
Temat: Chinczycy w Izraelu ,...
Skoro rebbe ci nie udzieli , bo mieszane malzentwo nie wchodzi w rachube ,
a panstwo nie udziela czy nie udzieli to jak to nazwac ??? Nie przypomina
ci to sytuacji Zydow w Trzeciej Rzeszy ???
Znaczy sie Guardian klamie , raport Amnesty International klamie , a nijaki
tut_ets pisze prawde , heheh , swieta prawde :)))
Nie ma zakazu mieszanych malzenstw. Kto chce, moze sie zenic i za maz wychodzic
z kim chce. Slubow cywilnych w IL nie ma i nie bedzie szybko. Trzecba uszanowac
zatem prawo obcego panstwa, a nie walczyc z nim.
Mnie nic , pokazuje wasza oblude exponujac wasza dyskryminacyjna polityke
wzgledem mniejszosci narodowej przypominajacej polityke nazistow wzgledem
ich mniejszosci narodowej , czytaj Zydow ,...
A co do mieszanych slubow na cyprze - co ci do tego. Zydem nie jestes wiec sie
od Izraela odpi.e.r.d.ol!!!
Czyste rasowo osiedla (zastrzezone prawem) na panstwowej ziemi finansowane
podatkami nie tylko Zydow ale rowniez Palestynczykow na marginesie obywateli
zionlandu w ktorych nie maja prawa zamieszkac , to rowniez bzdura , czy blatant
apartheid ???
ADL Deeply Disappointed With Housing Discrimination Bill In Israeli Knesset
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is concerned and deeply disappointed by a bill
being considered by the Israeli Knesset, and that has the support of the
Cabinet, which would authorize the construction of exclusively Jewish
communities on Israeli government lands.
Wayne L. Firestone, Director of ADL's Israel Office, issued the following
This bill, and the Cabinet support for it, sends the wrong message. We have
always celebrated Israel as a Jewish and a democratic state, which in its
Declaration of Independence commits to equality for all its citizens. This bill
undermines the law and progress of mainstream efforts to end discrimination in
housing and other sectors of Israeli society. We commend the voices of Israel's
Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein and other political leaders who have
publicly aired the moral and political concerns this issue raises, and have
called for the bill to be quashed ,...
The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading
organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that
counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
Temat: Ja powinna wyglądać strona internetowa firmy.
Ja się łączę przez linię telefoniczną i ładuje się to wszystko dość sprawnie.
Ale to może dotyczyć osób w zachodniej hemispherze, bo tutaj bliżej znajduje
się serwer. Na marginesie, w Europie znajduje się arcyciekawa spółka
eksplorująca złoża naftowe. Dysponuje sporą ilością patentów i ma tą zaletę, że
potrafi ze złóż już istniejących wydobyć więcej ropy lub gazu niż konkurencyjne
rozwiązania. Z wykresów wynika, że spółka wchodzi w sekularny długoterminowy
trend wzrostu wpływów finansowych. Czy przełoży się to na rekordowe zyski
spółki zależy tylko od zarządzających. Jeżeli potrafią z umiarem pokierować tą
niewielką stosunkowo firmą, sytuacja będzie interesująca. Są obecni na
wszystkich rynkach świata gdzie prowadzi się eksploatację złóż. Również
wszedłem w posiadanie ich akcji. Podaję stronę (raczej skromna) oraz komentarz
jednej z firm inwestycyjnych dotyczących tej firmy.
Core Laboratories
Core's record revenue total for the third quarter of 2003 was due to increased
demand for its patented and proprietary Reservoir Description and Production
Enhancement technologies used to optimize reservoir performance. Reservoir
Management operations continued to make progress with the initiation of
additional engineering-related, multidisciplinary studies. The Company credited
continued relatively high levels of oil company expenditures focused on
recovering incremental quantities of oil and natural gas from their producing
fields. Reservoir optimization projects continued in the former Soviet Union,
the Middle East, West Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Mexico. Core also benefited
from higher levels of drilling for natural gas in North American markets, as
oil companies utilized new products and services available from the Company.
Temat: List FA American Airlines
List FA American Airlines
This is a letter written by an AA FA, about an incident on her flight from
SJU to JFK. It’s a very sobering letter.
Just a heads up to all crews. "They" are out there gathering information
on our planes. On February 15, Flt# 1732 SJU/JFK on a B-767 six middle
eastern men dressed in various styles of western clothes like one in a
blazer and casual slacks, another in a drab collared shirt, another in a new
T-shirt, jeans, and new sneakers etc., were all located in the front section
of Y.Their seats were 13AB and 13HJ; directly in front of the mid lavs where
they were actually out of our view unless we were serving from the carts in
that area. The other two seats were 10G and 12B. They did not read or watch
the movie and pretended not to know each other at all when we were in that
section of the airplane.
Nobody on the crew even noticed them because they blended in so well. The
flight was full and it began when F/A #3 saw 13A video taping out the window
on taxi out and informed him it was not allowed. He gave her a mean look and
stopped taping. She noticed a the pax next to him was middle eastern as well
and thought they knew each other. She was serving that side and saw no
interaction what so ever during the flight that they were together. They were
very careful when we were in their area to seem separate and pretended to be
sleeping, but when we were out of the twilight area they were watching and
One F/A saw 12B leaning out into the aisle looking at the cockpit door
or watching FC where the meal service was in progress. When all economy
FA's were in the back serving meals F/A #5 came back to pick up and found
pax 10G standing by 13AB on left side mid lav. She asked him if he was
waiting for the lav and he said no. She told him to return to his seat and he
walked away after giving her a mean look. She picked up a few trays and then
found him standing near 13HJ looking up the aisle and barely nodding his head
as if he was counting but, we later thought he may have been listening to
13HJ and they were communicating with each other. A F/A told him he had to
take his seat and he gave her a look she said made the hair on the back of
her neck stand up. Later F/A #5 noticed pax 12B had been in the mid lav
several times and one time for a very long period. He eventually returned to
his seat and a little later F/A #1 searched the lav. Info was exchanged among
crew after service and we all began to keep a closer watch on them. I saw
13AB leaning down and looking on the floor so I came up behind to see what
they were doing. There was nothing on the floor and when they realized I was
there they casually sat up and continued to pretended not to know each other.
On taxi in I was on the mid RT jumpseat and I turned sideways on my seat so I
could look forward up the aisle because we all had a bad feeling about 10G.
When I turned there was 13H leaning out in the aisle looking aft but now I
was blocking his view. The amazing part is he didn't turn around. He just
stared right at me and I just stared back. His look was one of confidence and
arrogance and we just stared for the longest time until we started taxiing
again. That's when I was sure they were together and some knew we suspected
them. Upon deplaning I watched from the mid galley area 13AB and noticed as
12B got his small bag out of the overhead he said maybe two words to no one
and then I saw 13AB barely nod.
All 6 knew each other and it was the subtlety of their actions and their
behavior when we were in that cabin area and their behavior when
they thought we were away, the variety of their ages and choice of
clothing - all new. Their choice of seats right next to the engines where
there are no seats behind them and where they were out of sight from the rest
of coach and finally the looks that were very evil when approached by the
crew. We have followed up as F/A's with JFK security, DHS websites and FAMs
but it is important for all crews to know this information.
The guys did not stand out at all, it was the perceptiveness of my crew
members that even got me to start watching. Otherwise I probably would never
have noticed. I feel we really need to share this information with each
other so we know what to look for.
May your flights be smooth and your landings be soft ~
Temat: prosze o sprawdzenie loga
i dalsza czesc...
O9 - Extra button: Amazon.co.uk - {8A918C1D-E123-4E36-B562-5C1519E434CE} -
(file missing)
O9 - Extra button: Research - {92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE-3C9C571A8263} -
O13 - Gopher Prefix:
O16 - DPF: {0006F063-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} (Microsoft Outlook View
Control) - activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/office/outlctlx.CAB
O18 - Filter: x-sdch - {B1759355-3EEC-4C1E-B0F1-B719FE26E377} - C:Program
FilesGoogleGoogle ToolbarComponentfastsearch_A8904FB862BD9564.dll
O20 - AppInit_DLLs: C:PROGRA~1GoogleGOOGLE~3GOEC62~1.DLL
O23 - Service: Agere Modem Call Progress Audio (AgereModemAudio) - Agere Systems
- C:Windowssystem32agrsmsvc.exe
O23 - Service: avast! iAVS4 Control Service (aswUpdSv) - ALWIL Software -
C:Program FilesAlwil SoftwareAvast4aswUpdSv.exe
O23 - Service: avast! Antivirus - ALWIL Software - C:Program FilesAlwil
O23 - Service: avast! Mail Scanner - ALWIL Software - C:Program FilesAlwil
O23 - Service: avast! Web Scanner - ALWIL Software - C:Program FilesAlwil
O23 - Service: Capture Device Service - InterVideo Inc. - C:Program
FilesCommon FilesInterVideoDeviceServiceDevSvc.exe
O23 - Service: ConfigFree Service - TOSHIBA CORPORATION - C:Program
O23 - Service: GoogleDesktopManager - Google - C:Program FilesGoogleGoogle
Desktop SearchGoogleDesktop.exe
O23 - Service: Google Software Updater (gusvc) - Google - C:Program
FilesGoogleCommonGoogle UpdaterGoogleUpdaterService.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Services (mcmscsvc) - McAfee, Inc. -
O23 - Service: McAfee Network Agent (McNASvc) - McAfee, Inc. -
O23 - Service: McAfee Scanner (McODS) - McAfee, Inc. -
O23 - Service: McAfee Proxy Service (McProxy) - McAfee, Inc. -
O23 - Service: McAfee Real-time Scanner (McShield) - McAfee, Inc. -
O23 - Service: McAfee SystemGuards (McSysmon) - McAfee, Inc. -
O23 - Service: McAfee Personal Firewall Service (MpfService) - McAfee, Inc. -
C:Program FilesMcAfeeMPFMPFSrv.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Anti-Spam Service (MSK80Service) - McAfee, Inc. -
C:Program FilesMcAfeeMSKMskSrver.exe
O23 - Service: TOSHIBA Navi Support Service (TNaviSrv) - TOSHIBA Corporation -
C:Program FilesToshibaTOSHIBA DVD PLAYERTNaviSrv.exe
O23 - Service: TOSHIBA Optical Disc Drive Service (TODDSrv) - TOSHIBA
Corporation - C:Windowssystem32TODDSrv.exe
O23 - Service: TOSHIBA Power Saver (TosCoSrv) - TOSHIBA Corporation - C:Program
FilesToshibaPower SaverTosCoSrv.exe
O23 - Service: TOSHIBA Bluetooth Service - TOSHIBA CORPORATION - c:Program
FilesToshibaBluetooth Toshiba StackTosBtSrv.exe
O23 - Service: TOSHIBA SMART Log Service - TOSHIBA Corporation - C:Program
O23 - Service: Ulead Burning Helper (UleadBurningHelper) - Ulead Systems, Inc. -
C:Program FilesCommon FilesUlead SystemsDVDULCDRSvr.exe
Temat: muli mi laptop - proszę o sprawdzenie loga
O17 - HKLMSystemCCSServicesTcpip..{870E7B9F-F98D-4E63-9395-CD6EF40BCDFB}:
NameServer =
O23 - Service: AddFiltr - Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. - C:Program
FilesHewlett-PackardHP Quick Launch ButtonsAddFiltr.exe
O23 - Service: Agere Modem Call Progress Audio (AgereModemAudio) - Agere Systems
- C:Windowssystem32agrsmsvc.exe
O23 - Service: avast! iAVS4 Control Service (aswUpdSv) - ALWIL Software -
C:Program FilesAlwil SoftwareAvast4aswUpdSv.exe
O23 - Service: avast! Antivirus - ALWIL Software - C:Program FilesAlwil
O23 - Service: avast! Mail Scanner - ALWIL Software - C:Program FilesAlwil
O23 - Service: avast! Web Scanner - ALWIL Software - C:Program FilesAlwil
O23 - Service: Symantec Event Manager (ccEvtMgr) - Symantec Corporation -
C:Program FilesCommon FilesSymantec SharedccSvcHst.exe
O23 - Service: Symantec Settings Manager (ccSetMgr) - Symantec Corporation -
C:Program FilesCommon FilesSymantec SharedccSvcHst.exe
O23 - Service: Symantec Lic NetConnect service (CLTNetCnService) - Symantec
Corporation - C:Program FilesCommon FilesSymantec SharedccSvcHst.exe
O23 - Service: COM Host (comHost) - Symantec Corporation - C:Program
FilesCommon FilesSymantec SharedVAScannercomHost.exe
O23 - Service: Google Updater Service (gusvc) - Google - C:Program
FilesGoogleCommonGoogle UpdaterGoogleUpdaterService.exe
O23 - Service: Harmonogram automatycznej usługi LiveUpdate - Symantec
Corporation - C:Program FilesSymantecLiveUpdateALUSchedulerSvc.exe
O23 - Service: HP Health Check Service - Hewlett-Packard - C:Program
FilesHewlett-PackardHP Health Checkhphc_service.exe
O23 - Service: hpqwmiex - Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. - C:Program
O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Macrovision Corporation
- c:Program FilesRoxioRoxio MyDVD Basic v9InstallShieldDriver1050Intel
O23 - Service: Symantec IS Password Validation (ISPwdSvc) - Symantec Corporation
- C:Program FilesNorton Internet SecurityisPwdSvc.exe
O23 - Service: LightScribeService Direct Disc Labeling Service
(LightScribeService) - Hewlett-Packard Company - C:Program FilesCommon
O23 - Service: LiveUpdate - Symantec Corporation -
O23 - Service: LiveUpdate Notice Service Ex (LiveUpdate Notice Ex) - Symantec
Corporation - C:Program FilesCommon FilesSymantec SharedccSvcHst.exe
O23 - Service: LiveUpdate Notice Service - Symantec Corporation - C:Program
FilesCommon FilesSymantec
O23 - Service: RoxMediaDB9 - Sonic Solutions - c:Program FilesCommon
FilesRoxio Shared9.0SharedCOMRoxMediaDB9.exe
O23 - Service: stllssvr - MicroVision Development, Inc. - c:Program
FilesCommon FilesSureThing Sharedstllssvr.exe
O23 - Service: Symantec Core LC - Symantec Corporation - C:Program FilesCommon
FilesSymantec SharedCCPD-LCsymlcsvc.exe
O23 - Service: Symantec AppCore Service (SymAppCore) - Symantec Corporation -
C:Program FilesCommon FilesSymantec SharedAppCoreAppSvc32.exe
Temat: Status rezydenta
Immigration enquiries
I am here: Home > Contact us > Immigration enquiries
For immigration enquiries, contact:
Immigration & Nationality Directorate
Lunar House
40, Wellesley Road
Telephone: 0870 606 7766
Minicom: 0800 38 98 289
The minicom service is solely for deaf users and can only be accessed from a
minicom textphone system. Please note we are unable to provide verbal assistance
on this line.
The service the Immigration and Nationality Enquiry Bureau (INEB) is able to
provide has increased significantly in recent months. We are very grateful to
all our callers for the patience they have shown. You should be aware that calls
to IND may be monitored and recorded for purpose of security and quality
control. We will not tolerate abuse and will terminate calls in any such
circumstances. Your understanding is appreciated.
You should be aware that the enquiry line staff are not able to give timescales
for individual applications currently being processed by IND.
Callers ringing this number will be able to choose between speaking to an agent
about the progress on their individual case or for general immigration advice.
Our telephone lines are open from 9am to 4.45pm, Monday to Thursday and from 9am
to 4.30pm on Fridays. We are not open at the weekend or on public holidays. Our
busiest days are Monday - Wednesday. It is easier to get through towards the end
of the week and later in the day.
We have recently established a range of email addresses which can also be used
to make enquiries about a range of issues. Please ensure you use the address
most suitable for your specific enquiry:
IND Public Enquiries - indpublicenquiries@ind.homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk - this
address is designed for general immigration enquiries. Please note that we
cannot answer queries on individual cases by e mail for data protection reasons.
If you need to enquire about your case you should ring 0870 606 7766 from
Monday-Thursday 9 am-4.45 p.m. and Friday 9 am to 4.30 p.m. Please be aware that
if you are overseas, you should contact your nearest British overseas mission
for details of any entry clearance you may need to obtain before you travel to
the UK. For further information about your nearest overseas mission, you should
contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (www.fco.gov.uk) or UK visas
Nationality enquiries
Work Permits - customrel.workpermits@wpuk.gov.uk - this address is designed for
all emails relating to work permits. Further information about Work Permits and
other legal working schemes operated by IND is available from the Working in the
UK website.
Worker Registration Scheme - Individuals from Poland, Lithuania, Estonia,
Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic may have to register
on this scheme. Further information is available on the Working in the UK
website. All emails relating to the Worker Registration Scheme should be sent to
Complaints - ind.cu@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk - this address should be used if you
have a complaint or suggestion about our service or about the conduct of IND staff.
Temat: Władimir Putin: Polsko, patrzmy w przyszłość!
In conclusion we might ask ourselves what influence the Tartar-Mongols had on
Two and one half centuries of foreign rule are bound to leave a profound imprint
on a subjugated nation. The influence of the Mongol tradition may be traced in
the crude methods by which Russia's unification was achieved in the fifteenth
century and in the character of the absolutist government that was to rule her
for over 300 years. The conditions created by the invasion were probably
instrumental in bringing about the destruction of the veche, although there is
no assurance that this rudimentary form of democracy would have survived and
would have grown into an institution of truly representative government even if
the Tartars had never come to Russia. The military organization and
administrative practices of Muscovy were probably also affected by Mongol
The social effects of the Mongol rule are more pronounced. There was a great
deal of intermarriage and social intercourse between the Russian princes and
members of the Russian upper class, on the one hand, and their opposite numbers
in the Golden Horde, on the other. As the fortunes of Sarai declined and those
of Moscow increased many Mongol notable switched their allegiance to Muscovy.
Many of these people became important Russian landowners. Many Mongols also
entered the /Russian administrative and military services. At the end of the
17th century about 17% of the Russian upper class were of Eastern, chiefly
Mongol, origin.
There were also important cultural effects. Mongol domination retarded Russia's
cultural development. It delayed for at least two centuries any contact between
Russia and Europe, which was at that time the only fountain of progress and
enlightenment. The Russian Middle Ages were barren of achievement in any field
of creative endeavor, except perhaps that of icon painting, which reached high
standards in the fifteenth century.
In the economic field the most spectacular development was that of the invasion.
It took time before the Russian economy recovered from the devastation wrought,
although the extremely low technical and economic levels prevalent during this
period facilitated the task. Foreign trade, which came to a standstill with the
conquest, revived substantially thereafter. There was little progress in
agriculture and industry, but there is no evidence that these pursuits sank
below their modest pre-Mongol level. As with cultural endeavor it was a case of
stagnation and arrested development rather than of deterioration and decline.
The Russian economy, however, was severely affected by two manifestations of the
Mongol rule: exaction of tribute, often exorbitant ones, and warlike action that
took the form either of invasions of Russia or of foreign wars in which the
Russians were forced to participate side by side with their masters.
The blending of the Byzantine tradition embodied in the church and Mongol ideas
and administrative usages paved the way for the establishment of the
semi-oriental absolutism of the Muscovite tsars. The window on Europe, which
might have admitted the refreshing breeze of western influences, was still
tightly shut, while the deadening storms from the Asiatic steppes swept freely
through the length and breadth of the land. Moscow autocracy of the 16th century
was no different form that of the Tartar Khans. The landed aristocracy became
servile to the Moscow grand dukes and tsars. the veche lost the right to choose
and expel princes - a function which had been taken over by the khans. The
common people began to drift quite noticeably into the dark night of serfdom.
Temat: Double (triple?) standard?
A Ruskie mówio że Busz w ogóle nie wie o czym gada opowiadając w
przemówieniach te wizje lotów kosmicznych. On to mniej więcej tak rozwinął
jakb chodziło o wypad pickupem najpierw na ranczo (ISS) potem do miasteczka
(Księżyc) a potem do Waszyngtonu (Mars).
Fakt, że póki co to jedyni którzy latają to są Ruskie właśnie...
Amerykanie lataja ale nad pustyniami: afgańską i iracką...
Yuri Koptev, head of Russian space agency Rosaviakosmos, distanced himself
from President Vladimir Putin (news - web sites)'s comments this week that
Russia could work with the United States on President Bush (news - web
sites)'s ambitious plans.
He was particularly critical of Bush's plan for designing a spacecraft capable
of carrying astronauts to the space station, the moon and Mars, saying he did
not understand how this could be done since each destination had different
"Yes, we can agree that certain elements could be used. However, there cannot
be a universal spacecraft as is being suggested at the moment," he said. "I
don't think we will work together on this project."
He dismissed Bush's ideas as an eye-catching ploy linked to his campaign for
He said the 16-nation ISS was Russia's priority and called for construction
there to be completed within the original time frame of the next two years,
despite building being delayed for almost a year since the United States
grounded its shuttle fleet.
The shuttle has faced delays before, including the Russians being two years
late delivering a key component, the Zvezda (news - web sites) service module.
U.S. contractors also have run more than $1 billion over budget.
"We are insisting on the execution of the decision taken at the end of 2002 in
Tokyo, which says the construction of the station should be finished within
1.5-2 years," Koptev told reporters, referring to a meeting between the
leaders of space agencies involved in the ISS.
He also said he wanted to boost the number of astronauts on the station to six
as soon as possible, but did not explain how this would be done. A two-man
crew is currently on the orbital platform.
The building of the space station has been delayed since last February when
the United States grounded the shuttles after Columbia exploded on re-entry,
killing all seven astronauts on board.
U.S. space officials have said the shuttles, the only crafts capable of
delivering large sections of the station to the ISS for assembly, should
return to service in September.
Russia, temporarily the sole supplier of manned and cargo ships to the
station, launched a Progress cargo ship Thursday, delivering food, fuel, water
and scientific equipment to the outpost.
Koptev said the European Space Agency could play a key part in the station,
when its new cargo ship
Temat: USA -American Forces Press Service
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27, 2001 – There are 45 Al Qaeda and Taliban
terrorists under U.S control, DoD spokeswoman Torie Clarke said
Dec. 27.
"There are 37 detainees in Kandahar and eight aboard the USS
Peleliu," Clarke said during a morning press briefing. Among them
are 20 new detainees Pakistan turned over on Dec. 26, Clarke
She could not provide names and titles for the detainees. "Those
that we take under control are those that we think might provide
some valuable information, so we want to be able to talk to them
pretty thoroughly," she said. A variety of U.S. officials are
interrogating the detainees.
Proposals for the detainees' ultimate destination are under
consideration, Clarke said. They are "still a work in progress,"
she noted.
U.S. Navy and Air Force planes flew 133 sorties over Afghanistan
on Dec. 26, Clarke said. They dropped no ordnance.
Clarke said the primary objective in Afghanistan is still
"getting the Taliban and Al Qaeda leadership. We're working and
consulting closely with the anti-Taliban forces and the interim
government of Afghanistan," she said. "We're going to stay
focused hard on our objectives."
Clarke said the actions in Afghanistan have degraded the ability
of the Al Qaeda terror network to operate. "But the job isn't
done," she said. "It certainly isn't done when you realize it's
about more than just Afghanistan. Al Qaeda, by conservative
estimates, has got cells in 50 to 60 countries. The job is not
done yet."
In the Tora Bora cave and tunnel complex near Jalalabad, U.S. and
Afghan forces are "triaging" the caves systematically to see who
and what might be in them. "We'll use what the appropriate
resources are," Clarke said. "That might be any number of things.
We're generally not in the business of telegraphing our punches."
Clarke said Commando Solo radio broadcasts continue, and
coalition forces continue to drop leaflets over the country.
NOTE: This is a plain text version of a web page. If your e-mail program
did not properly format this information, you may view the story at
Any photos, graphics or other imagery included in the article may also
be viewed at this web page.
Visit the Defense Department's newest Web site for
the latest news and information about America's
response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
and the war against terrorism: "Defend America"
at www.DefendAmerica.mil.
Temat: Antuan Ganem S.P.
DEBKAfile: Murder of another anti-Syrian Lebanese lawmaker was Damascus’
greeting for Middle East visitor US Secretary Rice
September 20, 2007, 12:14 PM (GMT+02:00)
Car bomb kills Lebanese MP Antoine Ghanem and five others
Wednesday, Sept 19, the day Condoleezza Rice arrived for talks with Israeli and
Palestinian leaders, a car bomb in East Beirut killed lawmaker Antoine Ghanem,
further reducing the anti-Syrian majority in parliament six days ahead of its
election of a new Lebanese president. Bashar Assad was signaling that he was not
deterred from his policies by the Israeli air attack of Sept 6 and would not let
American influence displace his grip on Beirut.
DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources note Syria’s fingerprints all over the
assassination of Antoine Ghanem, 64, the 8th anti-Syrian MP to be murdered in
two years. Two days earlier, this member of the Christian Phalangist party
returned secretly from Abu Dhabi. He had been in hiding after being threatened
with death should he run for election. On his return, he told his friends the
Syrians and their Lebanese supporters were after him to whittle down
parliamentary support for an anti-Syrian president.
The tip-off on his return to Beirut must have come from a regional intelligence
service with spies in the oil emirate. That, plus the method and speed with
which the plot was assembled, point to Damascus’ experienced hand. The bomb car
loaded with 40 kilos of explosives perfectly tallied with the means used to
assassinate another anti-Syrian lawmaker, Walid Eido, on July 14.
Syria was bluntly accused of the crime by leader of the 14 March majority Saad
Hariri, whose father was blown up in February 2005, and Druze leader Walid
Jumblat, whose father also died at Syrian hands in the 70s, when Bashar Assad’s
father Hafez was Syrian president.
The US secretary of state did not have an easy ride in her effort to inject
substance into President Bush’s international conference in Washington two
months hence. Israeli leaders made a show of goodwill - Ehud Olmert’s close
adviser Haim Ramon even conjured up a largely unfeasible plan to transfer parts
of Jerusalem to the Palestinians – but by and large Israel prefers declarations
to deeds. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, for his part, said that without
substantial progress towards establishing a Palestinian state, there is no point
in him attending.
Without the Palestinians and the Saudis, the conference is a non-starter.
In other areas, Rice’s arrival found Israel on the move:
1. The security cabinet declared the Gaza Strip a hostile territory controlled
by a hostile force, Hamas. While this decision could pave the way for Israel to
cut off electricity, water and other services to Gaza - if the Qassam missiles
continue to fly against Israeli populated areas in the Negev, which has not yet
been decided – it also cuts Abbas off from possible steps to restore his
dialogue with Hamas.
2. The IDF’s Givati armored infantry brigade began a large training exercise on
the Golan backed by engineering and air units. Only two weeks ago, Israeli
politicians harped on the need to ease military tensions with Syria. They
promised the summer maneuvers being wound up would not be followed by further
military activity. Yet all of a sudden, Givati was pulled out of the Gaza Strip
sector and moved up north.
And on the very day of her arrival, Israel’s opposition leader, former PM
Binyamin Netanyahu let the cat out of the bag and became the first Israeli
politician to confirm foreign media reports of an Israeli air operation against
Syria on Sept. 6, saying he had been privy to its details from its outset. He
was roundly condemned as an irresponsible blabbermouth.
Rice may have set out on her journey meaning to promote Middle East peace
diplomacy. What she found was a climate of confrontation, animosity and war tension.
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Temat: UN: 6 Weeks to Prepare Jenin Report
UN: 6 Weeks to Prepare Jenin Report
UNITED NATIONS, May 15 – Fred Eckhard, spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General
Kofi Annan said Tuesday, May 14, that the reparation of the United Nations
report on the events that took place last month in the Palestinian refugee camp
in the West Bank town of Jenin has begun and is expected to take six weeks.
Eckhard said that letters requesting information from the Israeli government
and the Palestinian Authority about the incidents were being drawn up and would
be sent out "in the next day or so," reported Agence France-Presse (AFP).
This report was requested by an overwhelming majority of countries taking part
in an emergency General Assembly session convened last Tuesday to discuss the
situation in the Middle East.
The Palestinians have accused Israeli forces of committing war crimes and
massacring Palestinians during their assault on the Jenin refugee camp from
April 3 through 12, accusations that Israel denies.
"The United Nations," added Eckhard, "expects the preparation of the report to
take six weeks or so."
The spokesman noted that "there will be no progress reports" before the final
report is presented to Annan.
The General Assembly voted 120 in favor, four against, and six abstaining to
commission the report from Annan.
The assembly met at the request of the Arab world after the issue of Jenin
paralyzed the Security Council. Despite hours of closed door discussions and
public debate the council could not come to a consensus on how to respond to
Israel's refusal to receive a fact-finding mission to shed light on the events
in Jenin.
Meanwhile, Israel has come under attack from the human rights organization
Amnesty International, which accuses it of torture and inhuman treatment of
Palestinians during the recent Israeli operation in the West Bank, AFP
"During the latest Israeli incursions into Palestinian refugee camps and other
residential areas, thousands of Palestinians have been arrested, held in
prolonged incommunicado detention and subjected to cruel and degrading
treatment," Amnesty said in a briefing submitted Tuesday to the U.N. Committee
against Torture (CAT).
The CAT will discuss Wednesday, May 15, the situation in Israel and the
Palestinian territories for the second time in six months.
In November, the U.N. Committee had called on Israel to investigate allegations
of torture by its security forces against Palestinians, and said it was
unconvinced that all such acts had stopped after a 1999 Israeli Supreme Court
Amnesty said the CAT held that "administrative detention without charge or
trial, which has recently increased enormously, might constitute cruel, inhuman
or degrading treatment or punishment."
"AI considers the nature and severity of the suffering inflicted by the
systematic practice of house demolitions without absolute military necessity,
closures and the use of human shields is so grave that they may amount to
torture as defined in Article 1 of the Convention against Torture."
Israel launched a massive military offensive on Palestinian territories in the
West Bank in late March.
It has come under international criticism, in particular for destruction in the
Jenin refugee camp, which was virtually leveled in attacks that left at least
50 Palestinians and 23 Israeli soldiers dead.
Amnesty also condemned "the rising number" of prison sentences imposed in
Israel on soldiers and reservists for refusing to perform military service in
the occupied territories.
In a statement ahead of the International day of the Conscientious Objector
Wednesday, Amnesty said: "This rise is the result of a growing concern of
conscripts, soldiers and reservists about some of the actions taken by the
Israeli Defense Forces."
The human rights group called on the Israeli government "to release immediately
all those who have been imprisoned because they refused to serve in the Israeli
army for reasons of conscience or profound conviction".
"Conscientious objectors in Israel are imprisoned for weeks and sometimes
months, normally after unfair trials," Amnesty added.
"In many cases they serve multiple prison sentences. Since the beginning of the
intifada at least 114 conscientious objectors have been imprisoned with about
20 of them serving prison sentences at present."
Temat: d0minika
d0minika napisała:
> Hi,
> could you check my "opinion essay"? I would be really grateful.
> Schools should provide computers for students to use for all their school
> subjects
> A computer is becoming an inevitable part of our progress. We use
> computer to learn, work, for entertainment(to learn,work and entertain
ourselves albo for learning, working and enterteinment-albo czasowniki albo
rzeczowniki i rzeczowniki odczasownikowe razem ). There is no possibility to
> survive in modern country(raczej world albo society bo country brzmi dziwnie)
without ability of (albo usage of albo ability to use-musisz się
zdecydować)computer service. That is the
> reason why we must be able to cope with that convenient invention of XXth
> century. Students need to have access to computers, which should be provided
> by government for almost all lessons.
> First of all, using computers makes learning more effective. For
> instant, you don’t have to make tiring time-consuming notes by hand R
> 11; you
> can use keyboard to note everything faster and more correct(corretly-słowo
odpowiada na pytanie jak? a nie jaki? więc dodajemy -ly). Furthermore you
> have more time to cooperate with teacher and to take an active part(to
participate actively-znów jak? aktywnie.Nie używa się sformułowania to take an
active part) in
> lesson.
> Secondly, that is a big comfort(raczej-it is very comfortable) for students as
well as for teachers to use
> computers during( for zamiast during.During używa się,gdy po nim następuje
czynność ciągła w trakcie której coś innego,zakłócającego tą czynność się
zdarzyło) explaining new, difficult lessons, especially such ones
> which consist on( consist of -tylko tak.To stałe wyrażenie.Tu lepiej byłoby
użyć involve.Consist of odnosi sie do ilości części z których coś się składa.)
different experiments. As we know well not all of
> experiments can be carried out in schools, but they can be easily replaced by
> computer simulations, which would make difficult topics clearer.
> On the other hand we must remember that we live in Poland. Our
> government doesn’t have (enough-to ważne bo chcesz ten fakt podkreślić) money
for such basic things(w angielskim jest stałe określenie-basic needs na
podstawowe potrzeby człowieka tu można go użyc w odniesieniu do państwa) like
salaries for
> teachers, so it’s obvious that it can’t afford on(afford bez on -afford
sth.Mówimy I can't afford it.-czyli nie mam na to kasy,nie stać mnie.) such
luxuries equ
> ipment(such luxuries albo such luxurious equipment)
> like computers to (nie "to" ale "in" )each class for each lesson. We must be
reasonable and
> realize our restrictions(limitations-czyli ograniczenia w sensie
ogólnym.Restrictions to ograniczenia normatywne o charakterze
formalnym-nakazy,zakazy,przepisy prawne)
> To sum up, I must write that computer is the very important part of
> education process(albo an educational process albo process of education).
Unfortunately we can’t afford on(afford to equip) equipping all schools
> with enough number of (po prostu enough computers)computers. However, we
should do everything to improve
> present state(lepiej byłoby-current situation), to give students a chance for
effective learning.
Temat: UWAGA !!! UWAGA !!! - Zydzi mowiacy po Polsku
comp.lang.c Frequently Asked Questions
This collection of hypertext pages is Copyright 1995 by Steve Summit. Content
from the book ``C Programming FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions'' (Addison-
Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-201-84519-9) is made available here by permission of the
author and the publisher as a service to the community. It is intended to
complement the use of the published text and is protected by international
copyright laws. The content is made available here and may be accessed freely
for personal use but may not be published or retransmitted without written
This page is the top of an HTML version of the Usenet comp.lang.c Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ) list. An FAQ list is a collection of questions commonly
asked on Usenet, together with presumably definitive answers, provided in an
attempt to keep repeated questions on the newsgroup down to a low background
drone so that discussion can move on to more interesting matters. Since they
distill knowledge gleaned from many sources and answer questions which are
demonstrably Frequent, FAQ lists serve as useful references outside of their
originating Usenet newsgroups. This list is, I dare to claim, no exception, and
the HTML version you're looking at now, as well as other versions referenced
just below, are intended to be useful to C programmers everywhere.
Several other versions of this FAQ list are available, including a book-length
version published by Addison-Wesley. (The book, though longer, also has a few
more errors; I've prepared an errata list.) See also question 20.40.
Like so many web pages, this is very much a ``work in progress.'' I would, of
course, like it if it were perfect, but it's been two years or so since I first
started talking about putting this thing on the web, and if I were to wait
until all the glitches were worked out, you might never see it. Each page
includes a ``mail feedback'' button, so you can help me debug it. (At first,
you don't have to worry about reporting minor formatting hiccups; many of these
result from lingering imperfections in the programs that generate these pages,
or from the fact that I have not exhaustively researched how various browsers
implement the HTML tags I'm using, or from the fact that I haven't gone the
last yard in trying to rig up HTML that looks good in spite of the fact that
HTML doesn't have everything you need to make things look good.)
These pages are synchronized with the posted Usenet version and the Addison-
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question numbers are not always contiguous.
[Note to web authors, catalogers, and bookmarkers: the URL
<http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/top.html> is the right way to link to these
pages. All other URL's implementing this collection are subject to change.]
You can browse these pages in at least three ways. The table of contents below
is of the list's major sections; these links lead to sub-lists of the questions
for those sections. The ``all questions'' link leads to a list of all the
questions; each question is (obviously) linked to its answer. Finally, the
``read sequentially'' link leads to the first question; you can then follow the
``next'' link at the bottom of each question's page to read through all of the
questions and answers sequentially.
Steve Summit
Temat: _________Zbeszczeszczona_przez_arabstwo_Bazylika_!
50 youths said prisoners in Bethlehem siege
The armed Palestinians holed up in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem were
keeping some 50 children and young men virtual prisoners in the church's
cellar, a 20-year-old Palestinian who escaped related yesterday.
By Ori Nir, Amos Harel and Gavin Rabinowitz
The armed Palestinians holed up in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem were
keeping some 50 children and young men virtual prisoners in the church's
cellar, a 20-year-old Palestinian who escaped related yesterday.
The youths were permitted to go out only for short periods, one at a time, and
were suffering from hunger and thirst, as well as fear and boredom, Taher
Manasra said. "Our food was a pretzel apiece [per day]," he said. "Once, they
also gave us a hot meal of rice."
Manasra said he had slipped out through an aperture in the church wall
yesterday to gather edible plants for food. He was promptly shot in the leg -
by an Israeli sniper, he assumes - and following negotiations via Red Cross
intermediaries, he was taken for treatment to Hadassah University Hospital in
Five other Palestinian youths also left the church yesterday afternoon with the
assistance of the Red Cross mediators, after IDF soldiers spied them standing
at the church entrance waving a white flag. They said that priests inside the
church had helped them to escape.
The five, who are not on the IDF's wanted list themselves, told their
interrogators that many of the wanted men in the church would also like to give
themselves up, but are under pressure not to do so both from the leaders of the
group and from senior Palestinian Authority officials.
Manasra, an unemployed resident of the nearby Deheisheh refugee camp, said he
had been shopping for groceries in the Bethlehem market about 15 days ago when
he suddenly heard a series of explosions and saw people fleeing into the
church. He therefore did the same. Inside, he said, members of the Palestinian
Authority's security services had sent all the younger civilians into the
"They treated us strictly, and we even had ask for permission to go to the
bathroom," he said. "We were allowed to be in the bathroom for only five
minutes." He said a member of Force 17, PA Chairman Yasser Arafat's
presidential guard, had stood watch over the youngsters with a rifle and had
ensured that they remained seated in their places all day. He said that the
people in the cellar had spent most of their time sleeping.
Manasra said he did not know why they had been kept confined to the cellar, but
assumed it had been either for their own protection or to keep them from
getting in the fighters' way. He estimated that in addition to the 50 youths,
some 200 armed men were inside the church. He claimed that even among the
fighters, morale was very low. He said he believed that they were also short of
food, even though he and his comrades had smelled things cooking in the rooms
occupied by the gunmen.
Despite the growing tensions between the gunmen and the civilians and among the
wanted men themselves, IDF Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz said yesterday that the
standoff at the church could last for as long as another two weeks.
Meanwhile, several hundred Israeli Arabs, led by the heads of the Christian
churches in Israel, demonstrated yesterday at the military roadblock north of
Bethlehem against the IDF siege of the Church of the Nativity. The
demonstration passed quietly and dispersed after about an hour.
A catastrophe for Christianity
"With two Muslim bodies inside the Church of the Nativity, Christianity could
be facing an absolute disaster in Bethlehem," said Cannon Andrew White, the
special representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Middle East. "It
would be catastrophic if two Muslim martyrs were buried in the church. It could
lead to a situation like that in Nazareth," he said.
White said the issue of removing the two bodies from the church was of primary
concern to religious representatives of all three parties involved in the
stalemate around the church. However, he said that after intensive mediation
efforts, plans to temporarily bury the bodies inside the basilica had been
abandoned, but that no progress had been made in formulating a plan to bring
the bodies outside the church.
"We are concerned with two primary issues here," said White. "The first is the
violation of the holy places. The second is humanitarian needs, even for those
who have already violated the sacred places of Christianity by bringing weapons
into the church," he said. "Holy places have always been a place of refuge, but
not for those bringing in weapons."
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